Month: September 2015

Just Published! “Defusing Bigotry at the Bedside” by Fidelindo Lim and Daniel Brian Borski

Our GLMA Nursing Colleague, Fidel Lim, just shared news of this, his latest article co-authored by one of his students (now graduated)!  This year Fidel will not be able to join us for the nursing summit, but he remains actively involved in the Education workgroup.  This article discusses the very difficult situation of patient verbal homophobic or racist assaults toward nurses, creating a real challenge for the nurse who is morally obligated to continue to provide the best quality of care.

As they note, even though society in general is shifting in the direction of greater acceptance of diversity, prejudice and incivility still exist, and having good support systems in place for nurses to deal constructively with the situation is an essential part of a positive workplace environment.  In addition, collective action by organized nursing groups lends strength to all efforts to overcome prejudice and stigma.  As they state:

“Policy statements supporting LGBT health equality and broader social concerns have been issued by the American Medical Association and the National Association of Social Workers; however, no similar position statements have been issued by the American Nurses Association (ANA). Although the ANA hasn’t issued an LGBT-specific position statement, its website provides a list of resources related to LGBT individuals and communities. . .  The American Academy of Nursing has issued a statement supporting healthcare for sexual minority and gender-diverse populations but made no reference to supporting LGBT nurses.” (page 42-43)

This is precisely at the center of the work we are doing in the GLMA Nursing Section!  At the Summit this coming week we are unveiling our “Workplace Climate Scale,” which is already available on our web site!  And, we have added an “Action Center” to our web site that will continue to document actions that other nursing groups take on behalf of LGBTQ rights! The Action Center already lists several policy statements by the American Academy of Nursing, the organization that has taken the lead in standing on the side of social justice in nursing!

So whether or not you can join us in Portland, Oregon – check out the web site, and return frequently – this is an ever-growing resource!  We will also be putting out a call for GLMA Nurses to be on the website team – so if you want to be involved in actually “doing” the work of the website, let me know!

Thank you for your fine article, Fidel!

Lim, F. A., & Borski, D. B. (2015). Defusing bigotry at the bedside. Nursing, 45(10), 40–44. 

New book to check out if you are writing for publication!

I am thrilled to announce that this new book that Leslie Nicoll and I wrote is now available for Kindle – Writing in the Digital Age: Savvy Publishing for Healthcare Professionals! It is also available from in a format for iBook, Google Play, etc.  Nook will Cover Nicoll Chinnhave it soon!    Here is how the publisher describes the book:

If you are an author, or aspire to be one, writing for publication in today’s digital age means you are likely a “digital immigrant,” confronted at every turn with new and unexpected technology and electronic innovations. Writing in the Digital Age: Savvy Publishing for Healthcare Professionals is a valuable resource to orient you to the rapid evolution of digital writing. Practical, readable, and very accessible, the book includes guidelines, resources, and tips and tricks that you can put to use immediately to be a successful author in today’s quickly changing digital environment. Added features include “think about it” exercises, historical tidbits, and questions for discussion. Dr. Nicoll and Dr. Chinn share their combined love of technology with their writing, publishing, and editing expertise to help demystify the processes of digital writing and publishing. They explain what is changing and what is staying the same, and how you can use this knowledge to successfully write within today’s modern digital environment!

But we are eager to hear your feedback about the book!  So check it out and let us know!

Landmark longterm study underway on LGBT health

This is important for us all to know about! Check it out, consider participating, and encourage your LGBTQ friends to do the same!

Lavender Health - LGBTQ Resource Center

A large study began this past June to gather data from thousands of LGBT individuals in the U.S. using an Apple app.  The study originates from the University of California-San Francisco, the Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality, or PRIDE, Study is a two-part longitudinal study that could impact the way researchers and educators understand, treat and teach about LGBT health.

If you are interested in participating, please do!  I just signed up and started the process!  the study will last 6 to 9 months, and they estimate that the time commitment is about 15 minutes per week!  You participate using the mobile app!  The consent process is clear and easy to understand, and there is no shortage of detailed information about the study and the people who are conducting the research.  One thing I like is that you can follow basic information about the study as you…

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