Month: October 2018

2018 GLMA Nursing Summit – Overview

What Happened in Vegas

Shown clockwise from top left, our education panel (Briget Maley, Tara Noorani, Dylan Avery, Eileen Glover, Todd Tartavoulle, Jessica Landry, and Mimi Snyder), Hector Vargas, Eileen Glover & Todd Tartavoulle, Regina Washington, Paula Neira, crowd shot, Christine Rodriguez, Page Baker & Rachel Neuschatz, Gal Mayer, and TaMara Griffin. Photos taken by Sarah Bassett. Collage by Diane Verrochi.

This year’s GLMA Nursing Summit was so jam-packed with amazing content that it would be impossible to convey it all in a single blog post.  Therefore, there will be several!  For now, an overview.

We opened with remarks from our Chair, Caitlin Stover, who set the tone for the day and the commitment to keep to our schedule so that we could hear from all our amazing speakers, some of whom are in the collage above.  As is tradition, both GLMA’s executive director, Hector Vargas, and 2018 president, Gal Mayer, spoke briefly to welcome us and to voice their support of the Nursing Section.

Another tradition, started with the Portland Nursing Summit, is the Local Hero Award.  This year, that award went to past chair Michael Johnson.

Local Hero Award

Michael's acceptance

From there, we went into our speakers, listed here, and whose presentations you’ll hear more about in coming weeks.

While this was, of course, after the Summit and Conference, in light of the federal memo reported in the October 21 issue of the New York Times, it is important to note that GLMA has responded with vehement opposition to the attempt to narrow Title IX and other legal protections to a binary definition of gender based upon sex assigned at birth.  The Nursing Section similarly stands with our transgender and intersex members and communities against this attempt to erase their identities, experiences, and legal protections.


Summit, Conference, and Workplace Climate Scale

With the awards gala last night, #GLMA2018 has come to a close.  The Nursing Summit was amazing, and there will be plenty about it here in the upcoming weeks!

In the meantime, for those who either weren’t able to attend the Nursing Summit or meant to finish their paper survey but didn’t, here is your invitation to participate electronically in validating this assessment tool developed by the Nursing Section!

Nursing Setting Workplace Climate/Policy Study

We are conducting a needs assessment study of the workplace climate and policies for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in nursing clinical and educational settings. We welcome your input on one or both of these settings, regardless of your own identifications. If you agree to participate, click on the link below to complete the survey. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. If you work in more than one setting, you can do the survey more than once, but make sure you focus on only one setting at a time. This study was approved by the IRB at San Francisco State University, and your participation is both voluntary and anonymous.

Please feel free to share this link with any other nurses you know who might consider participating. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mickey Eliason ( or Diane Verrochi (

Link to survey: 

Meanwhile, stay tuned for an overview of the Nursing Summit as a whole and then the individual sessions!