Month: November 2014

New Role for GLMA Nursing Chair-Elect at the National Cancer Institute

I am delighted, and so proud to announce that

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Michael J. Johnson, chair-elect of the GLMA Nursing Leadership Team, will soon be transitioning into a new role. He was recently accepted into the highly competitive and respected Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program, a four year post-doctoral research and leadership fellowship program at the National Cancer Institute. The fellowship starts June 2015.

Michael’s current research focuses on investigating factors that influence cervical cancer screening among LBQ women and transmen. Although he is unsure if cervical cancer will remain his focus during the post-doctoral fellowship, he will continue to focus on cancer prevention among LGBT populations. In addition to bringing his expertise in LGBT populations to the National Cancer Institute, he will also be one of the few nurses in the fellowship program.

Michael and his husband Matthew will be relocating to the Washington DC area next summer.

GLMA Nurses working for Diversity and Inclusion at NLN

Laura C. Hein and Patti Zuzelo of the GLMA Nursing Section Leadership Team were invited to serve on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Strategic Action Group for Diversity in Nursing Education.   Nine nurses (two of whom were NLN leaders) spent the last two days discussing diversity and how to make nursing education more inclusive. Patti and I represented the LGBTQ community and emphasized the importance of recognizing and embracing all of our diversity. The current NLN Diversity Statement includes sexual orientation but does not include gender identity or gender expression. In my role as a GLMA board member and GLMA nursing leadership team I emphasized the importance of including “gender identity and gender expression” in NLN’s diversity and mission statement.

Our Diversity Action Group created a rough first draft of NLN’s Diversity Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan. We will have a final version published by February 2015.  Patti and I will continue to represent GLMA nurses and work to advance inclusive LGBTQ policies at NLN.

NLN dinner Sign

Meet Kaity Molé, our Student/Health Professional in Training Representative!

Kaity Molé RN, BSN is a recently graduated nurse from the Johns Hopkins School of kaitymoleNursing. She currently works in reproductive health and abortion care at Planned Parenthood as well as at a local domestic violence shelter providing community health education, counseling and healthcare referrals. Kaity is the current director of Baltimore Doulas for Choice and has been a birth and abortion doula for 2 1/2 years. She will soon be continuing on into her DNP in Nurse-Midwifery/Public Health Nursing and is passionate about providing quality care to the LGBTQI population and approaching her work from a reproductive justice and anti-oppression framework. You can learn more about her current work and find resources on LGBTQI birth, parenting and reproductive health on her website,

A warm hello from Patti Zuzelo, your GLMA Nursing Section Recorder!

I attended my first GLMA conference this past September and it was a powerful and uplifting experience. Attendees were friendly and passionate about their areas of interest and expertise. Quite honestly–it was one of the best conferences that I have attended in my 30+ years of conference-attending! I am privileged to serve on the first GLMA Nursing Section leadership team and, as a new and first Recorder, am still learning the ropes (you may interpret this information as an ongoing request for feedback, suggestions, and directions Smiley  color head shot 2I thought that it might be helpful to introduce myself a bit–I am on the faculty of Drexel University’s College of Nursing & Health Professions as a Clinical Professor in the Doctoral Department of the Graduate Nursing Program ( Recently, I have focused on developing my understanding of LGBTQ health concerns and contributing to advancing health equality and equity. I have a lot to learn but my delightful LGBTQ colleagues are helping me along (particularly Dr. Peggy Chinn–what an inspiration!). I serve on the American Academy of Nursing’s LGBTQ Expert Panel and am credentialed as an Adult Health CNS and as an Adult NP.

Now that I have shared a brief introduction–I have a request of each of you. Spread the word about GLMA and about GLMA’s newly created Nursing Section. Make certain that your friends, colleagues, and family know about the many varied opportunities to contribute to GLMA’s mission ensuring “equality in healthcare for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals and healthcare providers.” Let me be candid–there is a lot of work that must be done in nursing education and practice. This work requires the combined efforts of LGBTQ individuals and straight allies. There are many opportunities to engage and these opportunities are life-changing and life-enhancing. In my role as professor, I am increasingly sensitive to the gaps in nursing education’s lived curricula. There are gaps in what we teach…or what we do not teach…that must be addressed. Please spread the word that GLMA and its Nursing Section are wonderful opportunities to learn and contribute–even if you are not GLBTQ or have no particular expertise–just a passion for health equality and a desire to contribute in large or small ways. Go Phillies

Please stay in touch! If you are involved in nursing education and would like to explore ways to become engaged and connected to LGBTQ and health equality opportunities–I would enjoy hearing from you!