Month: August 2017

Virtual Journal Club – Delivering Culturally Sensitive Care to LGBTQI Patients

Our third Virtual Journal Club article is by another GLMA Nursing section member, Jessica Landry.  Here is the citation information:

Landry, J. (2017). Delivering culturally sensitive care to LGBTQI patients. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(5), 342-347. Retrieved August 3, 2017 from .

This article gives what I imagine many reading this blog would consider very basic guidelines for providing culturally sensitive care to LGBTQI patients, which makes sense as it is published in a journal aimed towards nurse practitioners in general.  It also covers a lot of ground, including an overview of health disparities and barriers to care as well as a glossary of terms, a vignette to illustrate some of the challenges, and some suggestions on how to handle certain situations.

What are your thoughts?  Are there elements of this article you think would be particularly helpful in educating fellow nurses?  Are there elements you think you’d prefer to address differently?  Did this give you an idea for submitting a follow-up article of your own, perhaps, to continue the conversation?  Please comment with whatever thoughts you care to share.

Also, the articles chosen so far have come from a biweekly report I receive from EBSCO about new articles on LGBT health.  These are just the ones that happened to jump out at me for one reason or another, though.  If you have come across an article you’d like to see discussed here (or have written one!), please share that in the comments as well.