Month: April 2020

Five More Days to Submit Abstracts


Abstracts are being accepted through April 15 for both the main GLMA Conference and the Nursing Summit on September 23, 2020.  The same portal will accept abstracts for both the Conference and the Summit, but you can check off which you wish to be considered for (or both).

Particularly in this WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife, we hope many of you will join us share your hard-won wisdom with one another.

The health and safety of our community is our primary consideration as we continue to plan for the GLMA Annual Conference. We will continue to actively monitor developments to determine whether any changes to conference programming are necessary, and we’ll be sure to communicate any potential changes as soon as we can.

We will also soon have nominations open up for our Local Hero/Shero award.  Think about who in South Florida you would consider to fit that bill, and watch this space for the nominations form!