Month: September 2016

2017 GLMA Nursing Summit – 1 Week from Today!

Yes — just one more week and the only gathering specifically for, about and by LGBTQ nurses and our allies is happening in St. Louis!  It is happening next week on Wednesday September 14 at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark . You can see the planned program here!  Online registration is no longer available, but if you find that you can join glma_-_conferenceus, come on to St. Louis and you can register on Wednesday morning at the conference. The evening of the 14th is the opening reception for the GLMA conference, which offers amazing educational and inspirational programming for all healthcare providers, and more opportunities to network with LGBTQ colleagues from all healthcare disciplines.

Everyone who attends the Summit will have an experience of a lifetime – a whole day when our focus derives from, and fully expresses, the health concerns of LGBTQ people and their families.  In addition, we will explores ways that we can improve nursing care and the environment for LGBTQ people who enter healthcare situations either as patients or providers.

But the most important dimension of the Nursing Summit is simply the experience of being there, networking with friends and colleagues, meeting new people who share our concerns and taking whatever actions we can to improve nursing and health care for LGBTQ people.

If you can’t join us, subscribe to this blog, where we will share all sorts of information about the Summit, and will provide opportunities for everyone to become involved.  We will definitely post information about the dates and location of next year’s Summit – so that hopefully you can start planning now to be part of this important movement!  So stay tuned – these is much more to come!